Soft Enamel
Colors of most medals are made from soft enamel. We can make all the colors you want from soft enamels as long as you let us know their pantone color numbers.
3D Relief
We can do 3D effect for figures, animals, buidlings, etc. Sometimes a medal without colors but with vivid 3D effect is much nicer than that with many colors.
Medal with LED lights
We can put LED Lights inside a medal. Switch and battery are usually on back side of medal. Medals looks nice at night after we turn on the LED lights. This kind of medals are very popular with people who is holding a night run event.
Medal made from multi materials
Most medals are usually made from metals only. Gooden Champs extends the range of materials for custom medals. We can assemble different materials like metal, acrylic, crystal, wood, magnet, resin, etc together to make 1 medal.
Spinning medal
When your client requires a lively medal from you, you can recommend a medal with spinner to them. Spinner can rotate with a little post inside it. If we want a logo more outstanding on a medal, we can make the logo as a spinner.
Medal with multi metal colors
Usually one medal will just have 1 metal color. But we can do 2 or 3 metal colors on one medal. For example, we can make antique gold and antique silver on 1 medal. We even had ever made shiny gold, shiny silver and shiny bronze on 1 medal. Few medal factories can do this kind of crafts.
Glow in the dark paint
This kind of paints is usually used on medals for night events. After the paint is charged under lightings, it will glow when we put it in the dark.
Glitter paint
Glitter paint is the best choice for you to recommend to your clients when they require a paint with sparkling effect like star.
Linking medals
When a big project consist of several events, you can consider linking medals. We can make 1 medal design for each event. Participants can get all medals after joining all the events and finally they can link all medals together as a big medal.
Eco-fridenly medal(wood medal)
Medals made from metal are hard to be recycled so they will pollute the environment. Also, costs of metal medals are more expenisve sometimes when quantity is large. Shipping cost is expensive too due to large weight. So some of our clients prefer to wood medals. They can be recycled and no issue of pollutions. And cost is much lower due to cheap material and light weight. But with cheap material, we can still produce very nice custom medals.
Medal with music box
We can install a music box inside a medal.
UV printed medal
We can do various colors on a medal from UV printing. UV printing can even be made on 3D relief.
Translucent paint
This kind of paint is tranparent so we see the logo, text or texture under the paint through the paint.
Custom shape
Regular shape of a medal is circle. But we can do all kinds of shapes to meet your clients' various needs.
Special metal colors
Regular metal colors are gold, silver, bronze and black. But we can do metal colors in other colors like purple, blue, red, pink, etc. We can even mix the colors together to do rainbow effect.
PVC medal
PVC medal is just like a toy. When your client wants medals for kids, you can consider PVC. PVC is a kind of materials which is cheaper than metal. You can recommend it to your clients when they have a low budget but want something special too.
Printing with clear epoxy
We print images on an aluminum emble. Then we paste the emblem on recess of a medal and cover it with a layer of clear epoxy. It will look like we inlay a photo to a medal.
Painted medals
Paints are usually filled into recessed areas of a medal. But now we can spray paints on raised areas on medals too. That means you can do colors on any areas of a medal when you go for painted medals.
Acrylic medal with printing
Clear acrylic medal with printing is a good option to go if your client wants light and budget medals with plenty colors to be made.
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